James Nachtwey has dedicated his life to going into countries under horrible circumstances and has devoted himself to take unbelievable pictures to show to the world what is going on (as shown in the pictures below). He puts himself in great danger just to capture these photos and exposes himself to horrible deceases that he comes in contact with while on his travels. James has been hurt many times and has had caught some of these horrible sicknesses, but he always gets out of them and manages to be okay. I look at James and think of all the horrible things he has witnessed, all the things he has had to watch but couldn't stop. In the documentary we heard about the story of people chasing this one man around with machetes and sticks to brutally beat him to death. James tries to tell these people that they do not have to do this, that this man is no harm to them but they didn't listen to him and beat him to death right there on the street. James was on his knees pleading to them not to kill this man, that it wasn't necessary because he was no harm to them, but it was no good. They beat him right in front of James and there was nothing he could do to stop it. The things he has witnessed by doing this career is beyond me. I see some of the horrible things on the news and the outcomes of this disasters and think of how horrible that must be and feel terrible, but to actually be there and be the one capturing the photos and seeing these things through your own eyes makes me wonder how someone could be able to handle that. How they could actually continue to take the photos. It all takes a very strong person who knows how to deal with it. James is one of those people who have been gifted with that ability and he continues to take unbelievable photos of the things going on in our world today.  

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