I disagree with Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson. When you look up in the sky, yes you do see the matter from the stars and the planets but how did they get there? Everything has a start, they just don't just magically appear out of nowhere. So what created the stars? What created the planets? What created the universe itself? 

We never really think about those things. We know everything is there but we never go into depth on how it got there. Think about it. At some point in time the earth was created, it didn't just get there one day out of nowhere. It had to be created by atoms and matter that were floating and combined. But the earth is in the universe, so how was the universe created? The universe is so big that we don't even know if it has an end to it! We assume it does but does it really? To get to some of the other planets it takes hundreds of years, which makes it humanly impossible to get to these other planets because humans cannot live that long. So that leads to the thought of where the universe actually goes to. There could be a whole new area that we don't know about that could potentially have life. 

Scientist say that universe was created through the "Big Bang Theory", but if there was nothing there before that, where did all the matter and atoms come from to begin with? All these things are things we will not have a true answer to because we cannot go back in time or be able to fully research it. Therefore I disagree with Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson because the most astounding fact to me is how everything was first created because it had to come from somewhere to start with. 

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